"As I am sure most will agree, Michael was one of a kind.  A rarity in this world.  A man with boundless energy, eternal optimism, and measured drive.  His heart for people, family, friends, the community and total strangers was contagious.  His philanthropic spirit was unprecedented and he always gave generously never expecting anything in return. I first met Michael when I was working at the Kennedy Center for the National Symphony Orchestra in 2003.  I will always cherish the memorable times of NSO trips and Kennedy Center events, fundraising meeting for NSO tours, events in St. Louis, the oh so special dinners at Tony’s (I have never eaten so well!) but the fondest memory was having Michael and his beloved Noemi fly to attend my wedding in 2010 (Noemi’s birthday nonetheless)…. A particularly meaningful memory I surely won’t forget. I loved his irresistible smile and it is hard to imagine, he is no longer with us. But I  certain he is at peace with his dear Monica, and without question, his legacy and impact will be felt by so many individuals and organizations for generations to come.  All my love MFN"