"I will never forget being a newly contracted employee going into the Cafe early one morning for some breakfast. While getting some yogurt as I topped it with fresh strawberries and honey granola, I noticed just to my side was this quiet and very well-dressed gentleman getting himself some oatmeal that conveyed a presence I couldn't quite understand. Whatever it was that existed compelled me to turn and say Good Morning. Kindly he reciprocated with a friendly Good Morning and asked how I was doing. Oddly that same kind of interaction in the Cafe happened a few other times. It was not until after riding on the elevator with him that as he went on striding, I stopped to converse with front security to ask about how the day was going. It was then that I discovered who this man was. I will never forget those close encounters with Mr. Neidorff and his humble nature. I never once would have guessed that it was our CEO next to me at those times. He did not display being under the stress of the significant decisions due to be faced within the hours to come. The body language demonstrated was that of another employee ready to begin a new day."